SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Sequence I4 / Cycle 3 3 2 1 AREA Intercultural SUBJECT Acceptance With crossed disciplines Psychology Activity Title Happiness in Acceptance ABSTRACT Accepting is the first step to learn to love our differences, understanding and appreciating what others bring to our lives . It enhances people’s relationship with others and ourselves. By accepting learners and teaching them the positive principle of acceptance, they will be able to live a happier, more peaceful life, and to be successful after being released. KEY WORDS Self-acceptance, Self-awareness, Self-ascension Learning outcomes 1- Know the concept of “acceptance” 2- Know the concepts of “unconditional acceptance, self - awareness, self, self- ascension” 3 - Learn the acceptance messages and use them in real life 4 - Comprehend the acceptance steps 5 - See the relationship between acceptance and human value 6 - Gain an insight of self-acceptance 7 - Understand the relationship between acceptance and human life 8 - Realize the effects of other ’ s opinion on perception of oneself 9 - Realize that how the way of perceiving oneself effects his/her behaviours Room Organization Teacher among learners Type of ACTIVITIES Debate, Questionnaire, Presentation, Game