SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Activity 1 - MESSAGE “ Human beings are social creatures. The basic of socializing depends on the need for acceptance. He/She wants to be approved by the people around him/her by finding justification for his/her behaviours and attitudes. But first he/she wants to approve himself/herself. His main aim is the acceptance in the interperson al communication.” Acceptance can be categorized into two (internal, external). The internal ones low need to be approved. For example, personality, values, principles, relationships…etc. The external ones high need to be approved. He/She feels that he/she has to be successful all the time for being accepted by the society. The samples for the external ones are success, statue, Money, position. Activity 2 - QUESTIONNAIRE 1- Do the perceptions, preferences, likes related to you really belong to you? 2- What or who could have affected you when your self-acceptance, likes, or preferences has been formed? 3- Do you sometimes evaluate yourself according to other’s criteria? 4- Do the others’ opinions related to us encourage and make us feel strong or demotivate us? What can be the reasons for this? 5- Can it be a desire to be accepted, approved or liked by other people? 6- Have you ever recognised that the people that they are not from your environment have an idea (created a perception) about you? Activity 3 - LIST 1- Everybody as a human has an intrinsic and unconditional value 2- Everybody as a human has an equal value. Human value is not a comparable or raced criteria. “You can drive better or play ins trument well; I can do my job best” but as a human we both have the same value . 3- Extrinsic factors neither increase nor decrease our values. Money, Success, physical appearance, competence are the examples of extrinsic factors. These are the factors that increase the social values of a person. However, as a human everybody has a value and it never changes. 4- Self-worth is permanent and it never falls in danger. Even if someone scolds you, your value is never affected. 5- Gaining or proving of self-worth is not necessary. A person must differentiate and accept, then he knows his/her value.