SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Activity 7 • Every action that show that we accept the presence of the person / people is called “STROKE”. • Acceptance strokes are our basic need just like water and food. There are some research which show that the lack of the acceptance strokes may even end in death or a disease. ACCEPTANCE STROKES UNCONDITIONAL Personality CONDITIONAL Behavioral OLUMLU(POZİTİF) Positive Acceptance stroke Example: you are really nice. Indicates a positive behaviour. Example: I like your looking at my face while we are talking. OLUMSUZ(NEGATİF) Not indicate a behaviour Negative acceptance stroke Example: You are a bad person. Indicates a negative behaviour Example: Your looking at my face while we are talking makes me angry. Activity 8 Tolerance Pledge Ceremony Make a list of all the names that humiliate someone for being different. Write your pledge to disavow the words. Make your own pledge or use the following form: "No one has the right to isolate me and I don't have the right to isolate others. I pledge that I will accept others the way they are and try to appreciate people who are different from me. If I really don't like someone, I will give them space to be who they are, and I will defend my right to be who I am. (Add your own words) Signed, ___"One at a time, read your list of names to the group, rip up the paper, and throw it in the garbage. Read your pledge aloud with conviction to the group. Group applauds for each person.