SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN that they are in and their environment without values. Gives them some time for visualizing the details with the music on. Asks them open their eyes and want them to draw a Picture of the World without values. (If they don’t want to draw, ask them to share the details orally with the whole group.) Action 5 Activity 5 The teacher gives a list of the values to the learners. Asks them to put them in order of importance for themselves. Asks them to share the first five most important ones with the whole group. Asks them to state reasons why the values are so important for them. be able to realize the values. Critical thinking Communcation 50 min Action 6 Activity 6 The trainer forms the whole class into two groups. He/she chooses a topic from the list. Ask one of the groups to support the topic whereas ask the other group to criticize their opponents. At the end of the debate session, ask the learners if they have realized how the values may vary from one person to another. be able to realize that the values may change from one person to another Communication in the mother tongue Conflict management Anti-hate communication in an intercultural perspective Communication 30 min Action 7 Activity 7 Form two groups, A and B. Give 4 of the values to the group A and 4 different be able to realize the effects of values on humans’ lives. Creativity Critical thinking 60 min