SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN ANNEX I : given situations to differentiate GUILT (G) from SHAME (S) a) Enrique has gone to enroll the unemployment list after the company where he works has closed (S) b) Bernardo's car is small while those of his friends are luxurious cars. (S) c) Carlos does not give alms to a child who begs in the street. (G) d) Esteban cheats on his wife and she does not know anything about what happens. (G) e) Francisco has beaten his son so as to make him an obedient child (G / ANNEX II: Subtitled video-poem « NO CULPES A NADIE » (Don´t blame anyone) PABLO NERUDA ANNEX III: Quotes on Guilt/Blame « Guilt, shame and fear are the immediate motives of deceit» Daniel Goleman «The feeling of guilt prevents us from seeing things clearly» Doris May Lessing « The tension between the demands of the moral conscience and the operations of the self is felt as a feeling of guilt » Sigmund Freud « The most cowardly excuse is to blame fate » Ismael Serrano (Spanish songwriter)