SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning aims Key and transversal Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 Activity 1 The trainer wants the learners to write an emotion and what this emotion evokes on a piece of paper. He/She collects them and puts them in a container. Takes all the pieces one by one and reads them aloud. Then he/she makes a definition of “emotion”. be able to know the concept of emotion. Self-reflection Communication in the mother tongue 30 min Action 2 Activity 2 The trainer prepares emotion cards. The volunteers come to the board and express that feeling just using the body language. be able to use body language while expressing their emotions. Self-reflection Creativity 60 min Action 3 Activity 3 The trainer hands out a piece of paper to each learner and make a list of all the emotions he/she knows. To the person with more emotions on his/her paper than the others is awarded by a book about the emotions by the Communication Creativity Critical thinking Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship 60 min