SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

trainer. Then the trainer forms the groups of 5. Photos of different people having different emotions are handed out to the groups. The trainer asks them to write a story by looking at the photos. The groups share their stories with the others. Action 4 Activity 4 The trainer makes the groups of 5 and a form is handed out to each group. The learners are asked to read the situations on the forms and make a role play. Then ask the volunteers to act out their role plays. Problem solving Teamwork Creativity Critical thinking Communication in the mother tongue 45 min Action 5 Activity 5 makes a power point presentation on “ I and your language”. Pin protection technique is used with the pairs and they realize that how important it is to begin their day by the behaviours of others. be able to learn the expressions of « I and your language ». Cultural awareness and expression 45 min Action 6 Activity 6 The principles of healthy communication are written on the be able to realize the principles of healthy communication. Critical thinking Communication 30 min