SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

board by the trainer. The trainer reads every principle one by one and the learners are asked to state their opinions about the read principle. Action 7 Activity 7 A debate activity is used in this session. The trainer forms the whole group into two groups. He/She reads the question aloud “Are we to express our emotions directly with the others?” One of the groups supports this sentence by stating reasons whereas the other group should support the idea of not expressing the feelings and emotions directly. The mentor group evaluates the two groups. be able to realize the importance of self- expression. Critical thinking Team working Leadership Communication in the mother tongue 50 min Action 8 Activity 8 The trainer makes a powerpoint about the methods of effective communication. The needed skills and attitutes to express your feelings in a healthy ways are read aloud by the trainer. A questionnaire is handed out to them to evaluate themselves. The be able to realize the importance of self- expression. Be able to realize the methods of having good relationship. Evaluating and reflecting Self-reflection Critical thinking 60 min