SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

volunteers share their answers with the whole group. At the end of the session, the given questions are asked to the learners for discussion. Action 9 Activity 9 The trainer emphasizes the importance of writing down the feelings and gives a piece of paper to the learners. Asks the following questions to the learners. Tell them to write down their answers on the paper. The writings of the volunteers’ are read aloud. What do you feel right now? What feeling do you often have nowadays? Can you express your feelings comfortably? If not, why? be able to know his/her emotions and express them appropriately. Self-reflection Communication in the mother tongue 30 min Action 10 Activity 10 Toronto Aleksitimi Scale (The Twenty- Item Toromto Alexithymia Scale (TAS- 20) is applied to the learners. The trainer evaluates the answers of the be able to evaluate his/her relationships. Evaluating & reflecting 30 min