SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 3: Week 10 Workshop and exchange on conspiracy theory Rumor, conspiracy theory and misinformation • Differentiate rumor, misinformation and conspiracy theories • History of conspiracy theories • Why do we believe it? Preparatory work of the psychologist on this subject (English references internet) Activity 3 The learners are in a group and must express themselves on the proposed subject, interaction, sharing, opinion, debate. To practice critical reflection. Co- construction of knowledge. Make choices and argue. Discuss in groups, with respect for each one. Understand and know how to spot conspiracy theory Use misinformation Assessing competence and competence development Learning to learn Evaluating/reflecting Communication Teamwork Flexibility Numbers: 5 à 10 90’ Action 4: Week 10 Group Workshop: Treat information and influence in a healthy critical way. Preparatory work of the psychologist on this subject (English references internet) Information and exchange on the communication tool: internet, social networks, risks, danger and opportunity for indoctrination Activity 4 The learners are in a group and must express themselves on the proposed subject, interaction, sharing, opinion, debate. To practice critical reflection. Co- construction of knowledge. Make choices and argue. Discuss with respect for each one. Awake awareness of learners in terms of information and influences and strengthen their resilience to manage information Assessing competence and competence development Learning to learn Evaluating/reflecting Communication Teamwork Flexibility Numbers: 5 à 10 90’