SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN and influence challenges. Action 5: Week 11 Expression group animation on the theme of the vision of society, self and the other Preparatory work of the psychologist on this subject (English references internet) Activity 5 The learners are in a group and must express themselves on the proposed subject, interaction, sharing, opinion, debate. Learners realize that there are different opinions on a topic. Learners can find and use arguments to defend an opinion. Learners can listen to the opinions of others. Assessing competence and competence development Learning to learn Evaluating/reflecting Communication Teamwork Flexibility Numbers: 5 à 10 90’ Action 6: Week 11 Photolanguage workshop Modalities Choose 13 photos on different themes, landscapes, characters ... Preparatory work of the psychologist, to find and choose these photos, and number them so that the learners record the number of the chosen photos Instructions Activity 6 The learners are in a group and have to choose two photos that they think are currently represented (the good and the bad) and give the reasons for their choice to the rest of the group. Explore his representations Position yourself in relation to others Become aware of his image. Assessing competence and competence development Learning to learn Evaluating/reflecting Communication Teamwork Flexibility Numbers: 5 à 10 90’