SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Divide the photos on a table, instructing each learner to choose two photos, which represent them as they are now, one on their good side and the other on their bad side. The learners move in silence to choose the two pictures by their number (do not take them) and then come-back to sit down. When everyone has chosen, each learner must present to the rest of the group the two chosen photos and give the reasons for their choice. Action 7: Week 12 Collective debriefing on the contribution of the workshops and groups of speech proposed on this last sequence. Animation by the Psychologist. Questions: What is your feeling about the workshops as a whole? Are you more aware of your own emotions and those of others? Have you understood the choice of others in relation to your own choice? Activity 7 Learners evaluate the workshops. Learners interact about their experiences in the workshops. Learners reflect on how they can use the elements of the workshops in their daily lives. Collective evaluation Learners realize that there are different opinions on a topic. Learners can find and use arguments to defend an opinion. Learners can listen to the opinions of others. Learners are aware that opinions can be influenced by others. Assessing competence and competence development Learning to learn Evaluating/reflecting Communication Teamwork Flexibility Numbers: 5 à 10 90’ Action 8: Week 12 Final interview between psychologist and learner Activity 8 T he learner must express himself on what he experienced during his Individual assessment of what the learner has learned and achievements in Learning to learn Evaluating/reflecting 60’