SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 2 Same class structure Activity 3 Awakening to your 10 bodies Kriya awakening to your ten bodies/3HO Foundation 14 asanas + final deep relaxation Breathing used : long deep breathing Breathing of fire Activity 4 Meditation on the self Meditation on the self/3HO Foundation 4 asanas including meditation included Repeat the set twice Use of mantra : SAT NAM Breathings used : breathing of fire Powerful breath Long deep breathing Be able to control the breath of fire to hold postures. -coordinate breathing and movement facilitate streching Be able - to better manage your fitness through a stronger elimination system Apprehend the exercises with calm and concentration at the third eye between the 2 eyebrows (Brow point) Become master of the self Course 60 ’ Exercise time 1 ’ 30 ’’ Fog Pose: 26 reps Between exercises Relax 30 ’ on easy pose or flat on the back Final relaxation 10 ’ Meditation 11 ’ Course 60 ’ Exercise time 3 ’ Meditation 6 ’ (2 times) Final relaxation 10 ’