SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 4 For Activity 7 The same structure class as action 1-2-3 For Activity 8 ONG NAMO GURU DEV (3 times) KRIYA Class organization in a circle after the kriya Meditation Speech circle Predict an object as a vector of speech. The one who holds it speaks, the others listen. Silent meditation Final greeting 3 SAT NAM Activity 7 Hemisphere adjustment & subconscious memory elimination Hemisphere adjustment & subconscious memory elimination /3HO Foundation 7 asanas Breathings used : long & deep breath Breath of fire Breath retention Mantra (asana 7) Ek Ong KarA Sat NamA Siri WahaA Hey guru -on ek pull the navel point -on A pull in & up on the diaphragm Activity 8 Experiencing the original you Kundalini yoga: experiencing the original you/3HO Foundation 4 asanas+ relaxation 30s between each exercise in gyan mudra In circle : sit in Easy Pose Meditation: Ek Ong Kar… My favorite mantra: ek ong kar sat nam siri wahe guru /3HOFoundation Be able to, in front of challenging situation, act in full consciousness in harmony with who you are Be able -to control breathing -to incorporate what your experienced in class into the rest of your life (breathing- relaxation… -stamina & concentration -Practice the exercise as a game (of life) without judgment and in the acceptation -Concentration -Listening -Verbalization Course 60 ’ Exercise time 3 ’ (6 ’ for beginner) Final relaxation 10 ’ Meditation 11 ’ Kriya: 1) 3 ’ 2) 3 ’ 3) 3 ’ 4) 2 ’ 30 ’’ Relaxation 30 ’ between each exercise sit in easy pose & gyan mudra (for beginner)