SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN ASSESSMENT of PRIOR LEARNING Possible Not possible yet Assessment Method (if possible) The assessment of learning remains for the empirical yoga teacher and is essentially a good observation of the student in its singularity. Nevertheless, the first observations will concern the behavior of the body. Finding some flexibility in the spine promotes the circulation of energy, acts on the nervous system and allows a better receptivity to the student who has acquired a good verticality and vitality. It requires willingness (life) to let go and trust in one's abilities. In the same way a good mastery of the breath will be observed in the capacity of the learner to release well its musculature in the exercises by coordinating well breath / movement and will make it all the more apt to integrate the instructions by the management of the stress, a quality listening and reliance to his feelings. Indeed, the quality of his investment in relaxation time will allow him to release the mind, integrate the effects of physical exercises and clarify his mind. By freeing oneself from these sufferings, the state of relaxation promotes awareness. Finally, the learning of meditation which remains the objective of the practice of kundalini yoga is the opportunity for the student to get closer to his deep self, his own potential, his skills. His ability to concentrate, to evaluate oneself will be the criteria to remember, evidence of his ability to transform vital energy into positive for himself and for others.