SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Activity 4 Brainstorming on conflicts Working by pairs (if accepted), each sub-group has to identify conflicts (from world dimension till countries/regions’ level) starting from their own knowledge. Teacher will give learners copy of maps per continent (with names of countries) and each sub-group will choose at least two continents. Depends on teacher (and group of learners), the activity 4 could be followed by a brief oral presentation of each sub-group to the rest of the class, showing their findings. Activity 5 Learners will search through medias, books, ... other conflicts that the group of learners do not identify during Activity 4. Teacher will help learners by giving some pieces of information (civil, religious, water , …) To be able to discern true from false To be able to argue about ideas To be able to make research by oneself Learn to learn Critical thinking Self-reflection Learn to learn 45’ (+ 30 ’) 45’ Action 3 Do you understand « Violence »? Activity 6 The teacher will arrive with a set of questions such as: Has violence always existed? When is violence chosen as an To be able to argue about ideas Cultural awareness and expression 15 ’