SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN answer? Is violence only expressed with weapons? Who is responsible for his/her violence? Do you know people who have been involved in armed conflict? Questions will be orally presented by the teacher, then by pair work, learners will have to choose one idea, to discuss and argue between both, then to report in plenary to the whole group who will be offered to defend his/her ideas. If each learner remembers at least one relative to speak about, it could be interesting to make them create their “family tree” with reference to dates and hierarchy as ancestors. It could be interesting to associate a professor of philosophy with this session to wo rk on concept of “VIOLENCE” from a philosophical point of view. Learn to learn Team working Communication 45’ (+60’) Action 4 The different forms and modes of engagement (armed conflict, economic crisis, humanitarian response, hunger- strike, photo talk, interviews, …) Activity 7 The aim here is to make the learners able to think about violent and non- violent, combatant and peaceful modes of action. Teacher will work starting from Activity 4 and 5; if some major conflicts are not yet identified, teacher can provide a list of them (write the list on the board Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship 30’