SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN after a brief analysis on what’s been found so far) and ask learners to search the mode of engagement (through encyclopedias, history books, media, …) that was chosen to answer the conflict by protagonists. Depends on the group of learners, but it’s also possible after this exercise that learners share in class group through brief oral presentation what they found. Other alternative: learners can work in groups to create wallcharts/big cards/collages showing “Answers to conflicts: Ways of engagement” that can be displayed in classroom. Each time teacher uses a new word (protagonist, peaceful action, …) he will make sure first that all learners understand the word . Teamwork (45’) Action 5 Conflicts: violent and/or non-violent responses Activity 8 Identifying one war through violence they know, learners (with teacher as moderator) will have to orally brainstorm and debate about the crisis, the declaration of war, the ceasefire, the truce, the end of the conflict, the negotiations, the surrender, the fate of arms, the peace agreements, ... To be able to understand that everyone already belongs to “some” form of society Critical thinking Communication Empathy 30’ Depends size of the group