SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 6 Are weapons the only way to express violence? Activity 11 This exercise consists in having the learners (from newspapers, articles, photos, videos, documentaries, etc.) searching images expressing disagreements as to a crisis without showing any weapons, killings, .... Learners, after their research, will have to class their findings under two categories (writing/oral expression, attitude). Once it’s done, it would be interesting to ask learners to identify different ways to show a situation. If the idea is in writing/oral, how can it be transferred to an attitude; if the idea is shown by the mean of an attitude, how can it be expressed by writing/oral? If the teacher feels confident, he can start to superficially approach the notion of caricature through comics, pictures, ... (in fact, this course will be detailed in another pedagogical sequences of SERA programme). To be able to understand the situation so to make choices To be able to work on perspectives To be able to accept caricatures Creativity Critical thinking Self-reflection Learn to learn 45’ 30 ’ 30’ (20’ - 30’) Action 7 Victimology Activity 12 The exercise to work here with the learners is to make them identify To be able to understand what is Critical thinking 20’