SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN different forms of aggression (war, domestic violence, ...) giving rise to individual traumas (psychic, physical, ...) on several categories of people (civilians as children, women, ...) or collective (destruction of cities, railway stations, archaeological heritage, ...), with their induced consequences. Exercise Forms of aggression the problem before making choices To be able to understand consequences of aggression Self-reflection Communication 40’ Action 8 Talk about violence and non-violence through an educational press-book Activity 13 The learners have to decide the categories of people to whom they wish to address by realizing their composition (other learners, children of local schools, ...). The learners will have to identify, plan and share all tasks (collecting data, writing articles, choosing photos, making designs, presenting press-book, organizing dissemination) so to be able to work in subgroups. To be able to choose appropriate references such as documents, videos, … To be able to discern true from false so not to disseminate false information Learn to learn Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Teamwork Creativity As many 60’ - sequences as necessary + individual work is possible between lessons.