SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN ANNEX 2: QUESTIONNAIRE 1.- What do we know about Afghanistan? Brainstorming about geographic location, society, culture, religion, wars ...? Who is Buddha? 2.- What is the role played by Baktay's father and mother? 3.- The violence in the film, who promotes it? Are children violent by nature? Is education important to eradicate it? Is it violence exercised in a conscious way? Is violence between men and women equal (in this case child to child) or between man and woman? 4.-What is your ideal school model? 5.- Are inequalities in access to school between boys and girls observed in the film? 6.- What effects does war have on a country? 7.- What symbols or metaphors do you identify in the movie? 8.- Which scene in the movie has impacted you the most? 9.- Would you recommend this movie? Give your opinion.