SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN 4- What can you do to protect yourself? Action 4 Activity 4 Start the lesson with a 5.37 min- video called “Are animal extremist terrorists?”. After the lesson, teacher will ask the same question to learners. Elicit their answers on the issue Anti-hate communication in an intercultural perspective Critical thinking 30-40 min Action 5 Activity 5 Give brief information about animal right extremism, the brief history of animal rights activism and extremist groups. Some information is given below. You may skip the parts you don’t mention. 30 min Action 6 Activity 6 Ask the learners “ What should we do for the rights of animals?”. Then give crayons, paper or cardboards to the learners. Ask them to prepare a poster to help the animals. Collect their posters and display for a while on the sign board. Be able to prepare a poster for the rights of animals. Teamwork Creativity 30-45 min