SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Animal Rights Extremism Most animal rights activism worldwide is legal and peaceful. Tactics used include protests, letter-writing campaigns and public information stalls. However, a very small number of individuals have carried out illegal actions in order to pursue their agenda – this is animal rights extremism. Such extremism has historically t argeted many different animal rights interests including agriculture, whaling, hunting, fur farming, the pet trade and, of course, animal research. Today, thank fully, animal rights extremism is at an all-time low in the UK, with almost no recorded incidents during the last five years. Understanding Animal Research has set up a dedicated website to track animal rights extremism (related to animal research), and provide advice to those potentially affected. See more at : Legislation The UK has many laws which cover illegal activity, including those against assault, property damage, blackmail and malicious communication. In 2005, in response to the rising levels of extremism, the UK parliament introduced the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act ( SOCPA), which contained clauses (s145-149) specifically designed to challenge certain actions taken by activists against individuals and organisations involved in animal research. Section 145 i ntroduced harsh penalties for t hose found to have “interfered with contractual relationships so as to harm an animal researc h organisation ”. This included threatening to commit a criminal act unless a specified organisation stopped an activity key for animal research. Section 146 i ntroduced harsher penalties for those found guilty of “intimidation of persons connected with animal research organisations”. This might include researchers, technicians, funders, suppliers and contractors to research facilities. See more o n laws, injunctions and policing. Brief History of Animal Rights Activism A detailed history of animal rights extremism can be foun d here Animal rights extremism in the UK first became a major issue in the 1970s . In 1972, hunt saboteur Ronnie Lee formed the group “Band of Mercy”. The following year Lee committed two acts of arson at a Hoechst Pharmaceutical plant, a crime he was later jailed fo r 1 . In 1976, Lee founded the Animal Liberation Front, an umbrella group for those wishing to take direct action (including economic sabotage) on behalf of animal rights. The 1980s saw the founding of the Animal Rights Militia, whic h escalated the violence t o the point of sending bombs to politicians and researchers. Finally, a string of high profile campaigns during the 1990s and early 2000s forced the Government to act. Alongside new legislation (see previous section), the Government set up the National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit to investigate and work against the rise in extremism. The result was a crackdown on illegal activism which saw more than a dozen activists jailed for up to a decade.