SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 Activity 1 Learners, in groups of 2-3 agree on a definition of what you think Extremism is. Then the trainer chooses the best definition and write it on the board. Be able to define what is extremism. Critical thinking 15 min Action 2 Activity 2 The trainer prepares a questionnaire with a few questions to get an overall opinion of the trainers about extremism. (A sample is given in the following. The trainer may change the questions according to his/her learners- target group.) Be able to differentiate the terms of ‘Positive extremism’ and ‘Negative Extremism’. Self-reflection 30 min Action 3 Activity 3 The trainer wants the learners to give samples for the positive and negative extremism. (A sample question: Can you think of any Extremist Groups that have been in the news?) Cultural awareness and expression 30 min Action 4 Activity 4 The trainer and the learners have a short discussion on what to do if they suspect a positive and negative extremism or a group. Teacher will organize a final brainstorm with learners to check what they learn. Be able to tackle with the extremist situations. Managing diversity Problem solving Teamwork Cultural awareness and expression 30 min 15 min