SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN The students came up with the following concept for this logo: “ We wanted to represent the positive change that SERA can have on the individual by acknowledging the variety among people’s backgrounds and preferences in life, and step away from radicalisation. The colours of the leaves represent the multicultural nature of humanity and its diversity, while the tree represents the tree of life. We may all have different colours and beliefs systems. However, we all belong to the same world .” T he project’s facilitator and his learners told us: “ During this activity my learners develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in relation to how and when to apply strengths of their own learning styles and personality types, setting goals, managing time and acquiring necessary information resources, reflecting upon the new knowledge and experience as well as interacting with others in order to reach learning challenges.” “I enjoy learning to think, act and communicate better in a group or team workspace. But also just to improve learning skills. I enjoyed communicating as part of a team and working on weaknesses. It made me focus on points that I didn’t think of before, like critical thinking and problem solving .” The proof sheet from the LOGO Design non-formal learning activity: