SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN To prepare Activity n° 3, teacher can visit Link n° 1 Link n° 2 Based on Activity 2 that can show various types of answers, teacher will introduce the differences between the words « Faith, Belief, Religion and Spirituality ” . Conventionally, people tend to use these 4 words interchangeably and, generally speaking, there isn’t anything wrong with that. But it may interest learners to know that for those who study the psychology of religion, these words do have different meanings. Teacher may ask his/her religious guests to explain the sense they give to these words . More than just an academic distinction, these differences can actually be quite enlightening and helpful for learners in making clearer sense out of the different aspects of their own faith journey. Before looking at some of the differences between these common terms, teacher will ask learners what definition they give to each one of these words. Be able to say what he/she thinks without shame or embarrassment Learning to learn Critical thinking Action 2 Quiz to compose Activity 4 Learners in sub-groups will be asked to create a QUIZ with TRUE and FALSE sentences for each one of the 6 words studied during Activity n° 2 and 3. Be able to defend opinion Self-reflection Intercultural Communication 45 ’