SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Thematic card game to make Activity 5 The quiz from Activity 4 will be now transformed in a set of cards so to obtain for example 42-48-54-60 cards to play with groups of learners who are more in difficulty. Teacher/Learners will decide the type of cards they want to create (cardboard, paper, wood, …) so time may be increased. Each learner will have to express him/herself by making these cards but the whole group will have to discuss the graphic chart of the game. Activity 6 / Feedback Do you learn something from Actions 1 and 2? Any questions? Be able to participate to a shared activity Creativity Autonomy Communication 6 0’ or + 15 ’ Action 3 Breaking free from fear-based religions: How to escape the prison of beliefs and face l ife’s problems? Activity 7: Brainstorming exercise Teacher will ask to learners if they remember sentences uttered by their parents/relatives related to religions, sometimes with threats based on fear, imagination, ... that scared them. Religion guests will be asked by teacher to explain that religions are not fear. This intervention will have been prepared before the course with teacher too. Be able to refer in a previous life to some situations that made them frightened sometimes or questioning, and to report on them now in a group without shame Be able to accept differences Self-reflection 20 ’