SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Activity 8 “Religion and Religiosity” Teacher first will ask learners if they make any difference between these 2 words. If yes, which one(s)? Activity 9 Teacher helped by religious guests, and as a complement to Activity 3, will now work on “Religiosity”. Sub-groups of learners will be done, each one being coordinated by a religious actor. Activity 9.1: 1 st task will be to ask each learner to make individual researches from encyclopedia, dictionary, library, (internet?), … so to be able to explain to the sub-group what they found. Activity 9.2: 2 nd task / Debate Should religions be feared? Should we better understand them to better integrate them? Does believing in something mean submission? Activity 9.3: 3 rd task / Learners will be asked to identify the negative side of religiosity Activity 10 / Feedback What do you learn from Action 3? Be able to say what he/she thinks without shame or embarrassment Be able to participate to such course with respect and tolerance Be openminded to other ideas, other choices Be able to listen to other learners even if they have different points of view than ours Learning to learn Self-reflection 2 0’ 20 ’ 20’ 2 0’ 20 ’