SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Is a new dictatorship possible in Germany? The question is clearly asked from the beginning of the first class by the teacher to his students. All, horrified, reject this idea with force. And yet ... The crowds are ready and waiting for the charisma of a leader to federate and manipulate them. This denunciation of totalitar ianism obviously makes us think of the neo-fascist, neo-Nazi groups that exist here and there. And of course to Islamism, which is growing every day. Activity 4 Quick return on the movie: Do you like the movie? If NO, please explain your thoughts and ideas (could be a start of exchanges with other learners). Do you agree about main themes of this film? What do you think about it? 15 ’ Action 3 Return on the movie Activity 5 Team working (with a paper support) Teacher will introduce Annex 2 and explain words, questions, … if necessary. %20The%20Wave.docx Teacher will organize sub-groups of 2-3 learners so to go through the exercise. Each learner gets a copy of Annex 2 with a pen/pencil The interest of this work is to exchange point of view, ideas, … to be able to accept that all people do not think the same way, to try to understand why some people may not think like me To be able to: - teamwork - exchange point of view - debate on ideas - accept another point of view Communication Critical thinking Teamwork Peer group 20 ’