SERA Manual for User

P a g e | 11 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Across Europe, the adoption of the broad concept of key competences has been accompanied by a number of variations in the specific terms and the exact content of the set of competences or skills that are being developed. Depending on the country and context, policy documents make reference to ‘core competences ’, ‘basic’ or ‘key’ skills and other similar terms. In this report, the terms competences and skills will be used as synonyms. The SERA consortium decided to join two of these competences, mainly: • Communication in the mother tongue and • Communication in foreign languages So as to come to a “new” competence for SERA that i s • Communication in the national language of the hosting country. It is not important that the learner speaks or not in his/her mother tongue or if he/she develops competences in foreign languages. To follow SERA cycles, professionals have to focus on the fact that learners are able to communicate in the national languages of the hosting country.