SERA Manual for User

P a g e | 12 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN To Cross-Curricular Competences To complement the key competences that are concerned in this programme, SERA consortium also approaches transversal competences as Cross-Curricular Competences (CCC). Already listed through other European projects (such as REVEAL and VALMOPRIS), SERA will create more concerns for “ Empathy ”. Each sequence identifies up to three key competences and up to 5 transversal ones (CCC), one of the aim of the programme being to develop a SERA process to assess these Key and CCC competences. In the next chapter it will be shown how the SERA consortium introduced assessment, however this process is not profoundly elaborate to make it easily adaptable by anyone.