SERA Manual for User

P a g e | 18 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN VALMOPRIS EU project (ERASMUS+ 2015/2017) VALMOPRIS draws and develops upon t he tools and techniques designed through the LEVEL5 validation methodology - an inn ovative system - which was developed over the framework of two Eu ropean-funded projects by the REVEAL network and piloted across diverse educational settings, includ ing in prison-based vocational training. In the VALMOPRIS project, trained practitioners measured the impact of informal and non-formal learning activities on competence development with their learners, using the VALMOPRIS validation approach. This system allows stakeholders involved in the delivery of non-formal and informal learning in prisons to evaluate, validate and (where appropriate) certify the competence development as a result of engagement in these types of informal learning situations (e.g. learning on the job, arts projects, sports and literacy workshops etc.) and in innovative competence fields (e.g. entrepreneurship, active citizenship) and other (key-competences). The VALMOPRIS methodology seeks to work with learners to support them to measure their own 'distance-travelled' in terms of competence development across three key dimensions - the active, the cognitive, and the affective. It focused on a wide range of prison-based learners and included those at risk of (re)entering the criminal justice system as well as learners within young offender institutions. It is envisaged that these types of outcome can support learners’ journeys and their rehabilitation. VALMOPRIS Competence frameworks For the SERA project another two new sub-competenc es were created. These are “civic and social attitudes” and “Empathy”. Civic and social attitude Empathy