SERA Manual for User

P a g e | 21 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Guidelines to run SERA SERA programme include 3 cycles of 4 weeks each. Each cycle has a number of activities that aim at targeting different aspects. Though there are three cycles, the activities tend to change and could be modified further to fit the contexts and cultures where they are applied. Each SERA cycle is organized over a period of four weeks based on 6 hours a day and 5 days per week (choice also can be done, with consideration to institutions rules organization and learners, of 5 hours a day and 6 days per week). The programme and related activities shall be adapted to countries, national organizations, penal or educational environments. One must take into consideration that during the 30 intensive hours, there can be a need for sports to vent aggression or clear the learners’ heads. It is of vital importance that extra individual psychological therapy is included. Every cycle based on a 120-hour programme is organized on the identified 5 domains and 7 scales of needs. Topics are adapted to learners hosted in close environments. The 120 hours are divided in 4 weeks, each week having 30 intensive hours of individual and/or collective courses added to personalized interventions for clinical therapy and sports. Interventions in clinical therapy as described in Sequence P36 / Cycle 1 are based on twice-per-week appointments per learner with a clinical psychologist. Meanwhile sport (which is different from physical activities) is made more malleable in comparison to other activities and this programme ensures that the learner should have (individually or collectively) access to sport offers (inside or outside the institution, if possible) several times a week during period out of courses.