SERA Manual for User

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN CODE AREA SUBJECT ACTIVITY TITLE of the sequence Designer Number of Actions Number of Sequences Duration Key Competence 1 Key Competence 2 Key Competence 3 Transversal Competences Assessment B1 BELIEFS Religions Board game Learning about other beliefs MT / TR 3 6 4h00 Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Intercultural communication Conflict management Teamwork Managing diversity Critical thinking 4h00 E1.1 How to start SERA Conditional framework My own spot / Rules and boundaries Cycle 1 BE 1 4 2h00 Social and civic competences Evaluating / Reflecting Taking responsibility Communication Conflict management Autonomy E2 Communication Film with reflection exercise Enlightnened communication "Billy Elliot" FR 5 9 7h00 Communication Social and civic competences Critical thinking Empathy Evaluating / Reflecting Intercultural communication E6 Media literacy Digital communication Let's learn about social networks FR 7 19 11h00 Digital competence Social and civic competences Learning to learn Communication Critical thinking Anti-hate communication Self-reflection Organizing one's learning E8 Media literacy Processing of information We get informed ES 4 8 4h00 Social and civic competences Communication in the national hosting language Learning to learn Critical thinking Teamwork Evaluating/Reflecting E9.1 Skill and professional improvement Preparing interview Getting ready for the working world: CV and interview Cycle 1 ES 1 3 2h00 Sense of initiative and Entreprenership Social and civic competences Learning to learn Assessment competence Teamwork Critical thinking Creativity Planning and resource management E11 Literacy Writing Letter to my own BE 4 2 2h00 Learning to learn Cultural awareness and expression Communication Taking responsibility Self-reflection E12 Skill and professional improvement Digital communication My first steps with digital equipment FR 5 19 1h00 Learning to learn Digital competence Basic competences in science and technology Autonomy Self-reflection Planning and organizing one's learning Communication Networking E13 Skill and professional improvement Preparing interview Look good, feel good! ES 3 7 3h00 Social and civic competences Communication in the national hosting language Critical thinking Self-reflection Autonomy 32h00 I3 Cultural specificities Cooking Cooking for charity MT 5 8 11h15 Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Teamwork Flexibility Creativity Planning and resource management I6 Acceptance Cooking Cooking is not an art TR 2 2 0h45 Cultural awareness and expression Communication Self-reflection Managing diversity 12h00 P1 Personal wellbeing Sports Mind and body MT 4 9 1h45 Social and civic competences Learning to learn Teamwork Communication Conflict management Taking responsability P6 Empathy Work together Creativity with empathy Empathy map BE 2 2 35' Social and civic competences Sense of initiative and entreprenership Self-reflection P8 Empathy Work together and Creativity with empathy Ear talking BE 3 4 2h00 Social and civic competences Communication in the national hosting language Self-reflection SERA Pedagogic Sequences Cycle 1 Types of Need EDUCATION INTERCULTURE PSYCHOLOGY