SERA Manual for User

CODE AREA SUBJECT ACTIVITY TITLE of the sequence Designer Number of Actions Number of Sequences Duration Key Competence 1 Key Competence 2 Key Competence 3 Transversal Competences Assessment Types of Need P9 Empathy Work together and Creativity with empathy Singer BE 2 4 4h00 Social and civic competences Communication in the national hosting language Self-reflection P10 Empathy Work together and Creativity with empathy My start position BE 4 4 1h30 Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Self-reflection P11 Empathy Work together and Creativity with empathy Mirror BE 2 2 35' Social and civic competences Sense of initiative and entreprenership Self-reflection P12 Identity development Circle of courage Circle of courage BE 3 5 4h30 Social and civic competences Self-reflection Creativity Intercultural communication P14 Identity development Psycho-physical exercises Strict and flexible BE 1 4 2h00 Social and civic competences Self-reflection Conflict management Flexibility P17 Self-awareness Puzzle Life in pieces BE 3 4 12h00 Learning to learn Cultural awareness and expression Creativity Self-reflection P18 Self-awareness Trust games Collaboration BE 3 4 1h00 Social and civic competences Communication in the national hosting language Self-reflection P20 Self-awareness reflection exercise and drawing Building a street - Neighborhood BE 1 1 2h00 Social and civic competences Communication in the national hosting language Empathy Creativity Teamwork P21 Self-awareness Trust games Look beyond borders BE 1 1 30' Social and civic competences Empathy P22 Self-awareness Trust games Stogether BE 1 1 30' Social and civic competences Managing diversity Autonomy P23 Self-awareness Trust games Trust games BE 4 4 45' Social and civic competences Communication in the national hosting language Empathy Teamwork Taking responsibility P24 Socio-emotional development Drawing exercise All together now BE 4 4 1h10 Social and civic competences Sense of initiative and entreprenership Networking Self-reflection P25 Socio-emotional development Vocal expression My voice BE 1 1 10' Social and civic competences Sense of initiative and entreprenership Creativity Self-reflection P26 Socio-emotional development Plastic activity Copy your face BE 3 3 1h30 Social and civic competences Self-reflection Creativity Managing diversity P28 Socio-emotional development Phototalk My portrait MT 4 4 4h15 Digital competence Self-reflection Managing diversity Intercultural communication P29 Socio-emotional development Story telling Once upon the time MT 4 4 4h30 Cultural awareness and expression Social and civic competences Self-reflection Managing diversity Intercultural communication P30 Resilience Film with reflection exercise Growing stronger in adversity ES 4 8 6h00 Digital competence Communication in the national hosting language Learning to learn Teamwork Resource planning and management Self-reflection Critical thinking P31 Anger management Making music Learn to cope with anger TR 8 10 8h00 Learning to learn Cultural awareness and expression Conflict management Self-reflection Teamwork Critical thinking Communication P36 / Personalized appointment Family ties and parenthood Clinical therapy Deconstruction and identity reconstruction Cycle 1 FR 8 8 9h30 Learning to learn Cultural awareness and expression Social and civic competences Self-reflection Critical thinking Assessing competence and competence development 68h45 S1 Sense of belonging Reflection exercise Core quadrants (Daniel Ofman) BE 1 3 2h00 Social and civic competences Self-reflection Communication Conflict management S2 Rehabilitation Group discussion Orient Express BE 2 2 1h30 Social and civic competences Communication in the national hosting language Communication Self-reflection Conflict management S3 Rehabilitation Photo association Do you see what I see ? BE 5 5 1h10 Social and civic competences Communication in the national hosting language Communication Self-reflection PSYCHOLOGY SOCIAL