SERA Manual for User

CODE AREA SUBJECT ACTIVITY TITLE of the sequence Designer Number of Actions Number of Sequences Duration Key Competence 1 Key Competence 2 Key Competence 3 Transversal Competences Assessment Types of Need S5 Social skills Empathy role play Burn down BE 7 7 50' Social and civic competences Communication in the national hosting language Communication Self-reflection Empathy S7 Equity Values corner Yes to equality ES 5 7 1h45 Social and civic competences Communication Learning to learn Teamwork Critical thinking Self-reflection Autonomy S13 Personal wellbeing Sports and cooperative games Together we can make it ES 6 6 2h00 Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Teamwork Self-reflection S14 Sense of belonging Music and song Music heals the soul TR 3 3 1h00 Cultural awareness and expression Intercultural communication Managing diversity Teamwork Communication S15 Sense of belonging Creating a dream Dream your paradise BE 4 2 2h00 Learning to learn Sense of initiative and entreprenership Communication Taking responsibility Self-reflection S16.1 Sense of belonging Organize a party Let us all have a party together BE 2 5 3h00 Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Communication Taking responsibility Creativity Flexibility Project management S19 Personal wellbeing Sports Let us play Boules MT 3 3 1h30 Social and civic competences Learning to learn Teamwork Communication Conflict management Taking responsibility 16h45 SOCIAL