SERA Manual for User

CODE AREA SUBJECT ACTIVITY TITLE of the sequence Designer Number of Actions Number of Sequences Duration Key Competence 1 Key Competence 2 Key Competence 3 Transversal Competences Assessment Types of Need P27 Expression of emotions Reflection and texts writing Fear : Friend or Foe ES 5 8 2h30 Social and civic competences Communication in the national hosting language Learning to learn Self-reflection Critical thinking Autonomy P32 Empathy Debate In someone else's shoes TR 6 7 3h30 Communication Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Evaluating / Reflecting Taking responsibility Self-reflection Creativity Problem solving P34 Expression of emotions Theater Elsewhere the grass is greener FR 5 15 5h00 Learning to learn Cultural awareness and expression Social and civic competences Communication Critical thinking Autonomy Anti-hate communication Teamwork P35 Socio-emotional development Expression of emotions Mood masks FR 6 10 10h00 Learning to learn Cultural awareness and expression Social and civic competences Communication Teamwork Creativity P37 / Personalized appointment Family ties and parenthood Clinical therapy Representation of self, family, environment and restoration of parental bond Cycle 2 FR 8 8 9h30 Learning to learn Social and civic competences Self-reflection Evaluating / Reflecting Assessing competence and competence development P39 Personal wellbeing Yoga Let's reveal your potential FR 4 8 8h00 Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Communication Autonomy Empathy Self-reflection P41 Physical wellbeing Conditional framework Let's make my life easier in community FR 6 15 3h00 Social and civic competences Communication Autonomy Taking responsibility Evaluating / Reflecting Critical thinking 47h00 S9 Family support Story telling activity Never without family support TR 6 8 9h30 Learning to learn Digital competence Cultural awareness and expression Creativity Anti-hate communication Critical thinking Intercultural communication Managing diversity S12 Social skills Role plays Please, Sorry, Thank you ES 4 7 2h30 Social and civic competences Learning to learn Communication Anti-hate communication Teamwork Creativity Self-reflection Critical thinking S16.2 Sense of belonging Organize a party Let us all have a party together BE 2 5 4h00 Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Communication Taking responsibility Creativity Flexibility Project management S17 Decision making Competitive games Ladder competition BE 1 1 1h00 Social and civic competences Sense of initiative and entreprenership Communication Taking responsibility Conflict management S21 Community involvement Socialization Competitive games Are the true forces where we believe they are? FR 3 12 5h00 Cultural awareness and expression Social and civic competences Communication Empathy Creativity Taking responsibility Teamwork Self-reflection 22h00 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY