SERA Manual for User

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN CODE AREA SUBJECT ACTIVITY TITLE of the sequence Designer Number of Actions Number of Sequences Duration Key Competence 1 Key Competence 2 Key Competence 3 Transversal Competences Assessment B3 Religions Debate The reasons to believe in a religion TR 5 5 1h30 Cultural awareness and expression Self-reflection Teamwork Critical thinking B4.1 Positive extremism Defense of rights A cause to serve TR 6 6 3h00 Cultural awareness and expression Critical thinking Self-expression Anti-hate communication Teamwork B4.2 Positive extremism Reflection exercises Choose the positive way ! TR 4 4 2h00 Cultural awareness and expression Critical thinking Self-expression Managing diversity Problem solving Teamwork B5 Faith Reflection exercises I believe, you believe, we believe… or not FR 3 10 5h00 Learning to learn Cultural awareness and expression Social and civic competences Managing diversity Self-reflection Critical thinking Anti-hate communication Intercultural communication 11h30 E1.3 How to start SERA Conditional framework My own spot / Rules and boundaries Cycle 3 BE 1 4 2h00 Social and civic competences Evaluating / Reflecting Taking responsibility Communication Conflict management Autonomy E4 Communication Film with reflection exercise Enlightnened communication "The Wave" FR 5 9 8h00 Communication Social and civic competences Critical thinking Empathy Evaluating / Reflecting Intercultural communication E7.2 Media literacy Reflection exercise Engage in critical thinking about key concepts - Part II FR 4 7 5h00 Learning to learn Communication Critical thinking Social and civic competence Cultural awareness and expression Self-reflection Anti-hate communication E14 Socio-emotional development Physical wellbeing What are your talents? MT 4 4 2h00 Social and civic competences Self-reflection Managing diversity Communication Teamwork Critical thinking E15.2 Growing mindset Action painting Decorating our spaces with Graffiti – Part II ES 2 4 9h00 Cultural awareness and expression Social and civic competences Sense of initiative and entreprenership Communication E16 Media literacy Reflection exercises, Debates Plot: the dark side of the subject FR 5 17 5h00 Learning to learn Social and civic competences Communication in the national hosting language Critical thinking Autonomy Self-reflection Anti-hate communication Reflecting / Evaluating E17 Media literacy Reflection exercises, Debates Is everything good to say? FR 5 12 2h30 Learning to learn Communication in the national hosting language Cultural awareness and expression Critical thinking Self-reflection Autonomy Flexibility E19 Media literacy Digital communication Let’s learn how to make an efficient research on the internet FR 4 10 4h00 Learning to learn Digital competence Autonomy Self-reflection Communication 37h30 I2 INTERCULTURE Growing mindset Diversity of cultures My identity, my commitments FR 6 10 10h00+ Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entreprenership Learning to learn Teamwork Communication Critical thinking Empathy Creativity SERA Pedagogic Sequences Cycle 3 Types of Need BELIEFS EDUCATION