SERA Manual for User

CODE AREA SUBJECT ACTIVITY TITLE of the sequence Designer Number of Actions Number of Sequences Duration Key Competence 1 Key Competence 2 Key Competence 3 Transversal Competences Assessment Types of Need BELIEFS I4 Acceptance Self reflection Happiness in acceptance TR 8 9 4h30 Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Self-reflection Evaluating / Reflecting Critical thinking Taking responsibility I5 Values Story telling Our value is the sum of our values TR 10 10 6h30+ Learning to learn Communication Critical thinking Conflict management Creativity Teamwork Evaluating / Reflecting I7 Acceptance Discussion making Let’s go fishing MT 1 1 1h00 Learning to learn Cultural awareness and expression Social and civic competences Communication Critical thinking Self-reflection Managing diversity 22h00 P2 Conflict management Role play Play it out ! BE 5 6 2h00 Communication Social and civic competences Self-reflection P5 Guilt Artistic activity Our inner voice : Guilt ES 4 11 4h00 Digital competence Communication Learning to learn Teamwork Planning and resource management Self-reflection Critical thinking Creativity P16.2 Identity development Line up Talk to your inner child (Cycle 3) BE 1 2 1h00 Social and civic competences Self-reflection Empathy P33 Expression of feelings Creating story for theater then play Feel free to express yourself TR 12 12 9h30+ Communication Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Cultural awareness and expression Self-reflection Creativity Critical thinking Problem solving Teamwork P38 / Personalized appointment Family ties and parenthood Clinical therapy Let's identify indicators of polarization to better understand them so to promote desistance Cycle 3 FR 8 8 11h00 Learning to learn Social and civic competences Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Teamwork Critical thinking Flexibility Evaluating / Reflecting Communication P40 Personal wellbeing Yoga Know thyself FR 4 8 8h00 Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Communication Autonomy Empathy Self-reflection 35h30 S6 Sense of belonging Non violent communication We and our commitments FR 8 13 10h00 Social and civic competences Learning to learn Digital competence Teamwork Creativity Critical thinking Self-reflection Communication S8 Gender equity Film and reflection exercises Why am I not allowed for being a woman? ES 1 3 2h00 Social and civic competences Communication Learning to learn Autonomy Flexibility Critical thinking Evaluating / Reflecting S16.3 Sense of belonging Organize a party Let us all have a party together BE 2 5 4h00 Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Communication Taking responsibility Creativity Flexibility Project management S18 Community involvement Community work Cleaning from rubbish BE 1 3 4h00 Social and civic competences Sense of initiative and entreprenership Communication Taking responsibility Teamwork S20 Food culture Organize a breakfast to share within the group You are what you eat TR 4 4 3h30 Cultural awareness and expression Communication Self-reflection Managing diversity Teamwork S22 Community involvement Socialization Life stories Why did they flee ? FR 2 3 2h00 Cultural awareness and expression Social and civic competences Communication Anti-hate communication Critical thinking Empathy Self-reflection 25h30 PSYCHOLOGY SOCIAL INTERCULTURE