SERA Manual for User

P a g e | 5 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN How does learning acquired in confined spaces become meaningful in an open environment? How to develop a culture of commitment based on autonomy and criticism? How can professionals working with public involved in causes that may lead to violent extremism, engage in an action of desistance and citizen inclusion of people with whom so many others have failed before (early school abandonment, rejection of parenthood…) ? SERA aims at being innovative as it addresses, in a transnational way, the issue of the treatment of citizenship and secularism while at the same time bringing partners from EU member states and associated countries closer together by offering them the opportunity to work, at a supranational level on actions usually dealt with at national level (see guidelines and priorities of the Ministries of Education, Foreign Affairs, the Interior...). The diversity of national contexts (education, religion, culture...) must be lived as a resource for raising awareness of issues of citizenship to target specific audiences, at the same time helping all players to enter an educational process giving them the means to implement contributory activities. The purpose of SERA is to provide pedagogical and methodological supports to professionals, even volunteers, working in prisons and correctional facilities. The recipients are inmates and/or target groups “at risk” on territories/environments and areas for priority education. The pedagogical ready-to-use pack could be used also by professionals of training or/and mediation for the prevention of risks and sectarian/extremist excesses in domains such as health, school, social action, prevention services and so on. Finally, SERA also seeks to address the triple perennial dimension to European scope: ✓ A horizontal dissemination at European political level. This is to make known to a set of political decision-makers and public institutions the usefulness and the content of the programme; ✓ The constitution of a European association to develop educational activities for the prevention and fight against radicalization through the acquisition of social and civic values by sharing experiences and exchanging inspiring practices and procedures; and ✓ Upgrades of the system by keeping a transnational project team on standby for past, present and future educational resources.