SERA Manual for User

P a g e | 9 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Profiles of Actors Teachers and/or Trainers The SERA programme aims at drawing the attention to the fact that teachers and/or trainers are an important link in the learning process. A project like Bounce indicates that respectful, and competent trainers, among other characteristics, are the key to success of this programme that reaches wider than one is aware of. Teachers and/or trainers will be referred to as professionals for the purpose of this manual and SERA programme. Learners Considering that SERA is aimed at being implemented in a prison, the “learners” are those individuals who would otherwise be called students, inmates, participants, beneficiaries, users and so on. Learners are those persons who are learning a subject or skill or are receiving education, in the sense of instruction, through teaching activities from a professional.