Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub- timing Action 2 Teacher introduces the task of finding “responsibilities” or “duties”, he explains the words and puts the prisoners back on their texts The teacher can simplify the task by giving hints and rhetorical questions or he lets the prisoners work more on their own and then walks round and assists in case of questions Activity 2 Students take notes on what duties and responsibilities of citizens might also be included in the constitution. Examples Human dignity includes not to have to live on the streets. Is it only a question of state money or is there also social solidarity. How much social welfare can a state bring up? What has it got to do with taxes? Equality of people gives women the same rights as men. What are my attitudes on women? School system , do I have some responsibility as a learner, or does “everything free” mean, that I can come and go as I like. Elections express the interest of the people. I have to show some interest in politics, the policies of political parties and try to make an opinion. prisoners learn to make excerpts, they take notes Learning to learn Social and civic competences 30‘