Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Action 3 Play roles Activity 4: Play roles From one situation (learner council or staff meeting, …), give a card to everybody with different characters (leader, shy, headstrong, suggestible, indifferent, …). Change all roles so everybody can experiment all characters Express oneself in the skin of other one Understand the different roles in society Communication verbal and non-verbal 60 ’ Action 4 Personal reflection Activity 5 Meeting with professionals (psychologists) or witnesses (dangers and definition) Activity 6 Every week all year long during 10 minutes, there will be personal reflection For teacher: spot person who could be bullied and then orientated to professionals For learner: be able to ask for help Critical thinking Understand myself and the others 60 ’ +10 min / week all year long