Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 With the help of the pictures, learners try to conceptualize the meaning of citizenship. Activity 4 About citizenship Teacher gives a short overview about citizenship from historical point of view, etc. Teacher can refer to his/her own country and culture, and Europe. (ancient age: slavery, middle age: feudalism, new age: civil wars, human rights movements, … ). The presentation can be helped with visual cues (powerpoint presentation, music, poems). 15’ Action 3 Citizenship in practice Activity 5 People for freedom Teacher prepares “puzzle like” cards: on one card there is the picture of a famous person (related to the country) on the other there is the name of the person. Alternative (if the group is more educated): on one card there is the name of a famous person and on several others there are poems/events/music/ … , related to them. Learners form small groups and together have to find the pairs. Then in plenary teacher discusses the persons in the pictures and the famous events related to them. Historical facts about citizenship put into practice Learning to learn 25’