Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Action 4 Treaty of Versailles and its consequences Activity 5 The teacher briefly introduces the topic Treaty of Versailles , offering a range of information sources (press articles, encyclopedia, textbooks, etc.) and learners, in groups, should draw up the consequences from this treaty from the information they are handling. Activity 6 In groups, learners write down in small cards important facts/consequences derived from the information they have collected. To develop searching and selecting information skills. To write key facts from the Treaty of Versailles in cardboard cards. Learning to learn Communication in the hosting country’s language Teamwork Evaluating /reflecting 60 ’ 30 ’ Action 5 Deciding on territories Activity 7 In groups, learners must decide which territories they are willing to grant in order to avoid war and its consequences. Activity 8 Leaders from each group present their decisions to the class. To understand value of negotiation understanding that it doesn’t mean to give up. To show appropriate leadership features in an oral presentation. Social and civic competence Communication in the hosting country’s language Teamwork Evaluating /reflecting Planning and resource management Taking responsibility 30 ’ 15 ’