Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Action 6 Peace Treaty drafting/Posters making and Voting Activity 9 Leaders meet to unify criteria and design a peace treaty. At the same time, the rest of members from each group will create a wall chart per group with the cards of important facts from the Treaty of Versailles they wrote in Activity 6, plus any other element suitable to add to the wall chart (photos, drawings, quotes …) . Activity 10 Once the leaders have finished their meeting, the members of each group present their posters/wall charts to the rest of the class. Posters will be put for display on a corner of the class. Activity 11 One of the leaders reads aloud the proposed agreement they have reached, which will be voted in class group by show of hands. Votes against must be justified, although the majority decision will be respected. To write a document reflecting proposals derived from a consensus decision. To give arguments to support an opinion. To show respect for a majority decision. Social and civic competence Communication in the hosting country’s language Teamwork Creativity Evaluating /reflecting Planning and resource management Critical thinking Taking responsibility 60 ’ 15 ’ 30 ’ Action 7 Conclusive discussion : « Dialogue avoids further conflicts » Activity 12 Together with a psychologist, the teacher introduces a thread of discussion to start a debate: we are able to solve our daily problems using dialogue in the same way we could avoid a war. To value the use of dialogue at various levels (politicians in governments, friends, families, classmates at school, cell mates…) as a successful tool to prevent conflicts Social and civic competence Communication in the hosting country’s language Evaluating /reflecting Critical thinking Intercultural communication 60 ’