Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 Activity 1 Learner gets a map of Europe or the local country and fills in the name of the country, the capitals and eventually more information like rivers, towns… on the country and neighbour countries. basic information on the geography of Europe Communication skills Learning to learn Civic and social skills (if there are reading and writing disabilities) 30 ’ Action 2 Activity 2 Learner gets a map and questions about the hosting country. He collects information on size, population, national holiday, coat of arms, capital, currency etc. Optional: The learner presents his information to the group. basic information about the local country; use of books, maps, dictionaries, or – if possible – internet; collecting relevant information; Learning to learn Social skills (presentation) 40 ’ Action 3 Brainstorming “What is your personal picture of this country?” (asking for Activity 3 The learners tell their associations, phantasies, ideas they have about the country express yourself and speak on a topic that hasn’t been proved so far (not about facts) Cmmunication skills 20 ’