Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 Refreshing Activity 1 Brainstorming : - Have you already voted? - Why is it important to vote? - Is it compulsory to vote? - Can you explain the process from opinion to proclamation of an idea, the search for followers, the completion of ideas, the decision- making process, the election and the results of the election? Opening their mind and discovering election procedures, Oral expression Social skills 45’ Action 2 Choosing a topic and experiencing a debate Activity 2 - Learners search for absurd items to vote for (unreasonable like hair-cut, “Ministry of Silly Walks”, …). If the teacher sees difficulties or problems with this exercise he can offer different topics himself: Should public transport be free for everybody? Should there be another day off for families with many children? He takes care that the topics are not too emotional or otherwise critical. The learners take sides for one or the other argument (pro/contra). Then arguments are exchanged. Understanding that decision- making is a complex process and it sometimes is difficult to make one’s choice. Social skills 30’