Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Action 3 Filling of self-evaluation questionnaire on the practice of certain behaviors and values Activity 3 A self-assessment questionnaire is handed in so that each learner can check his/her behavior and attitude towards certain situations presented. Activity 4 After self-evaluation and reflection on oneself, the teacher/moderator will hand in a children's footprint (previously prepared by the teacher with EVA foam], on which learners will write the value or phrase with which they feel identified or wish to work on to leave the footprint for which they would like to be remembered. As they finish, they will read aloud their election and proceed to stick their footprints in the initial wallchart of activity 1 (« A lifestyle that leaves a footprint »). To reflect on individual behavior in daily life situations To acquire communication skills To become aware of a lifestyle to follow Communication in the hosting national language Social and civic Critical thinking Reflecting /evaluating Intercultural communication Taking responsibility 10’ 20’