Let's become more conscious citizens

Application n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023961 Action 4 Class Happiness Memory -book Activity 9 Learners watch a short film (Video 5- Hygge movement) that will make them reflect on what it is to feel/what can make people happy. They can freely comment on the video. After that, they are asked to write some lines describing at least two actions which can make them happy by making others happy. Those who would like to share their writings with others will be welcome. Activity 10 As final activity, the learners will work on the designing of a Class Memory-book, by collecting all the short written texts from Activity 9, plus drawings, photographs, inspiring sentences, etc. and arranging them so as to make up a book. This memory – book will be part of the classroom library, as self-created product, to be used as a guide towards happiness and well-being. Newcomers’ co ntributions could also be added, as well as new ideas, to make the book something alive. To reflect on actions which make someone act. To convey your own experiences consistently. To develop creativity by designing drawings and making up inspiring sentences that serve as support for the memory book. Social and civic skills Communication in the hosting country’s language Teamwork Reflecting Autonomy Planning and resource management Creativity 60 ’ 120 ’